As the summer fades and the colours on the trees turn to red, brown and green, it is normal to feel a kind of sadness and longing for the end of summer. Feeling sad and down is usually a very normal reaction to a disappointment, hurt, or loss. How do you know when feeling sad becomes more than a temporary change in mood and when it has turned into a clinical depression? Take this quiz and see how you rate yourself. This is not an official diagnosis, you need to see your doctor to receive that but it is a pretty strong indication of where you may be heading. The good news is that depression has a high cure rate, when combined with medication and psychotherapy, so don't become discouraged, just become informed.
Do you find that you :
If you said 'yes' to most of these things, then you may be suffering from clinical depression. It is fixable and can be overcome, but please see your doctor first to rule out any other possible reasons for this condition.
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